Something that has come up in readings a bit lately is that “your vibration speaks louder than your words”. For many reasons, I found this a potent reminder. As someone who likes everything to be “just so,” I have always struggled with putting things out into the public eye for critique and criticism, whether that…
On the surface, these two activities have absolutely nothing in common. However, I recently had the revelation that my practice in one has helped me enormously in staying sane while doing the other. Neither can ever be perfect, mastered, or finished. The learning is not in the final destination, but the journey and the process.…
The eternal quest for understanding…Human Design, Gallup Strengths Finder, Astrology & Numerology I LOVE a good personality test. I enjoy taking them, analysing my results, analysing/ testing the people around me, and even analysing and testing the processes themselves! I often find myself running headlong into a labyrinth of information for days at a time.…
I promised myself that I would be open and honest with anything that I write with this blog. It is a form of writing that is new to me, so it’ll probably take a bit to find my feet. I have read more than my share of blogs, but my word – it is a…
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit my corner of the internet. I appreciate your time, and I will endeavour to use my blog as a way to share thoughts, experiences and information that may be useful to you on your journey. There are many topics that I love to…

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