The eternal quest for understanding...Human Design, Gallup Strengths Finder, Astrology & Numerology
I LOVE a good personality test. I enjoy taking them, analysing my results, analysing/ testing the people around me, and even analysing and testing the processes themselves! I often find myself running headlong into a labyrinth of information for days at a time. Anything to develop a greater understanding of myself and how I tick, and the same for those around me. How do we work? How can we be better? More efficient? Have more ease?
My most recent fascination has been with human design. Every time I research a new topic, I giggle at myself. The results usually suggest that I am exactly the type of person who would get a kick out of these types of things.
On the off chance that you are also interested in these types of things, I thought I would share some of my results with you to give you an insight into how I tick.
Human Design
Projector, 5/2, Splenic, Split Definition, quad right, Left Angle Cross of Wishes (3/50, 31/41)
Which translates to: Sees & guides the other, heretic/hermit, impulsive decision maker, relationships are important, go with the flow, here to bust systems.
Gallup Strengths Finder
My top 8 strengths. I have taken the test twice, about five years apart. The first time I was managing a team and in an accelerated growth stage of my business. The second time I took it, was while I was caring for my mum full-time. I was also developing a new business plan (a social enterprise that I got guided towards, put in 12 months of planning for, and was then guided away from #mylife).
Gallup suggests that your strengths don't change. In my case, I think it reflects where I was in life at the time.
Maximiser, Strategic, Input, Relator, Learner.
Maximiser, Strategic, Adaptability, Input, Ideation
Via Strengths Finder
Creativity, Honesty, Kindness, Hope, Fairness, Forgiveness, Love of Learning, Perspective, Teamwork, Humility.
Myers Briggs - INFP - The Mediator
Numerology - I'm a 31/4
Astrology - My sun sign is Taurus, moon Gemini, and my ascendant is Libra. I have a stellium and Chiron in my 7th house in Taurus, which feels kinda mean, to be honest! I am still getting my head around it all. It is a pretty deep dive.
Soul Contract (based on birth name) has a whole lot of 10-1 going on.