
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit my corner of the internet. I appreciate your time, and I will endeavour to use my blog as a way to share thoughts, experiences and information that may be useful to you on your journey.

There are many topics that I love to explore. One of my favourite ways to spend an afternoon is going down a random rabbit hole, exploring something related to what is going on in my life at the time. I am a bit of an information bower bird. But instead of keeping it all to myself like I usually do, I’ll try to have a go at sharing my explorations here.

To give you an idea of what I love to explore and may write about…

Spirit stuff. Anything related to spirituality, energy, healing and finding our way through the stages of awakening.

People stuff. How they tick, how they move, how they love, how they break, how they put themselves back together.

Business stuff. The school of hard knocks delivers some fabulous lessons. I am a fan of making a mistake once and then learning from it. But I am an even bigger fan of learning from others’ mistakes. I’m happy to share what I f’ed up – so you don’t have to!

My stuff—the things that I struggle with or have worked through. Energetics being what they are, I have very similar challenges and patterns to my clients. So, I’m going there. I’m going to share. The more icky it feels for me to be open about a topic, the more important and valuable it probably is! I am so over the “look at me and my perfect Instagram life.” I do not want to do that.

Channelling – I try to step out of the way and do as is requested with that sort of work. I’ll make it clear if it’s channelled work and not just my ramblings, but there is a significant difference in my tone of voice, so you will likely be able to tell.

I work in spurts. Have seemingly random bursts of inspiration, followed by big lulls. Or in a highly focused, mild panic due to a looming deadline! This will not be a pre-written, regularly scheduled blog. Nor is my newsletter. I work best when I am fluid and adaptable. If you want to know when my latest little burst of madness has landed in the world, pop your email details in the form at the bottom of the page, and I will keep you in the loop.

If there is ever a topic that you would like me to cover, I would love to know. Shoot me an email at info@annaedwards.com.au

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