with the one thing...
...that has personally given me the most grief in business over the years?
It is so common for people who identify as intuitive to have a lot of fear around both power and visibility.
At times, being seen, fully seen, as our authentic selves can feel like a huge hurdle.
There are so many layers to why that is, but essentially, there can be quite the internal battle between honouring the call to step more deeply into your soul's calling and your body's desire to keep you safe.
In essence, I believe we each have only one true job here. To embody our unique soul light and expression as fully as possible. It is all there. We already know. Life also loads us up with junk that isn't ours to hold, and we can feel a little buried by it.
Part of my soul expression is to deeply see the other, to notice their light, to be with both the light and the shadow, and to honour the journey of the personality self as it brings forth the divine within. It's a pretty fun gig, I am quite chuffed I signed up for it.
As an introduction to my work, I have made a light language transmission for you. It is for the release of fear as it relates to power and visibility. I hope that it is of assistance to you on your journey.

Release of fear as it relates to power and visibility. Enter your name and email to download it now.