About Me

About Me

About Anna Edwards

Dear beautiful, radiant soul,

I strive to walk my talk, living in alignment with the work I do. Much of what I offer happens not just in the physical world, but also in the ethers. When I connect on the soul plane with the people I am here to serve, I see them as magnificent, radiant orbs of golden-white light. Words can never quite capture the beauty of Spirit, but it’s a profound blessing to witness their essence in this way.

In the physical world, when we cross paths, I still see that light within you—even if you feel frustrated by the disconnect between your deep inner knowing and what’s showing up for you in the 3D. I see your strength, your courage, and your bold spirit. You move quickly, lead with passion, and thrive in action. But I also know that beneath all of that, there’s a part of you craving balance, peace, and a little more ease.

It’s possible to move through life with that same fierce determination but with a sense of calm and clarity that allows you to savour the journey, not just the destination. Imagine leading with grace, making aligned decisions, and still having space for rest and self-care.

Through movement and energetic practices, I help you connect with your softer, grounded side, without losing your edge. With the right support, you can feel steady in your power—taking bold steps forward while staying centered and connected. There’s a beautiful harmony when your energy flows with intention, not force.

I would love to guide you in finding the balance between ambition and ease, action and stillness. You deserve to feel strong, focused, and at peace, all at once. I’m here to support you in discovering that perfect flow.



Individual - Single Sessions

Movement & Somatic Dance

R.E.S.T. Relational Embodiment Somatic Therapy

Intuitive Readings, Energy Work & Channeling

Intuitive Development

Or... a little bit of all of the above. I have a diverse range of skills that I can utilise in response to whatever is arising for you in the present moment.

Soma Flow Sessions

The focus of my group containers varies in response to what I am intuitively guided to create.

At present, the in-person groups include:

Introduction to Somatics

Moving Meditation

Online Groups Include:

Guided Movement Explorations - FREE

Beta Round of a 10 week Expansion Program coming soon

Please email me if you are interested in any of the above at info@annaeadwards.com.au



Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow is only available in person at 7 Beach Road, Sandy Bay, Hobart.

Spinal Flow is a gentle yet powerful healing technique that focuses on the health of your spine and nervous system. By tapping into the natural energy flow within your spine, Spinal Flow helps to release tension, stress, and blockages that can lead to physical discomfort and emotional strain.

The process involves light touches on specific points, encouraging your body to heal itself from within. This approach is deeply connected to your body's innate intelligence and ability to restore balance.

If you are not a Tassie local, I highly recommend seeing if there is someone in your local area.

Individual Coaching & Mentoring

As much as I enjoy doing individual sessions with people, I really love the deep dive that becomes available within a container. Holding space for the transformation process in its fullness brings so much joy. This coaching space is about more than just strategy; it’s about integrating intuition with your body’s natural rhythms and finding balance within your nervous system. Together, we’ll explore how to create a business that feels aligned, grounded, and manageable. Integrating somatic practices with practical guidance allows you to easily move through challenges, building a strong foundation for growth. Our work in one area of life will impact the rest to get you out of survival mode and thriving.


Single sessions

Coaching series

I work with Spirit predominately in the form of Channeling, Light Language, and the Akashic Records during 1:1 Intuitive Sessions. I also use Somatic Movement to support your nervous system.

If you are after some direct spiritual guidance or energetic healing, click below to make a booking.

60 minute session $222 AUD

I offer Integrated Life & Business Coaching. To help us get to know each other and discover what the best coaching series for you is, I offer a free 30-minute consult. Bring all your questions, and we will explore your options.

6 sessions, 60 minute duration, plus support in between sessions.

Coaching series $1333 AUD

Ready to work with me?

Single sessions

I work with Spirit predominately in the form of Channeling, Light Language, and the Akashic Records during 1:1 Intuitive Sessions. I also use Somatic Movement to support your nervous system.

If you are after some direct spiritual guidance or energetic healing, click below to make a booking.

60 minute session $222 AUD

Coaching series

I offer Integrated Life & Business Coaching. To help us get to know each other and discover what the best coaching series for you is, I offer a free 30-minute consult. Bring all your questions, and we will explore your options.

6 sessions, 60 minute duration, plus support in between sessions.

Coaching series $1333 AUD

LiFree light language

Release of fear as it relates to power and visibility. Enter your name and email to download it now.