
All my love to you on your journey

Anna Edward Hero

Some days changing the world

feels all too hard...

I support spiritual business owners to connect with their soul's purpose so that they can realign with their path and be the change that they wish to see in the world.

In the spirit of constant innovation...I am overhauling my website, and it's a bit messy atm


The part of me that likes things to look beautiful and "just so" is having a minor meltdown.

It'll look pretty again soon!

More importantly - There are lots of fun things getting uploaded

Spinal Flow




Intuitive Development


There's a 10 week container coming that will bring everything I've got to the table.

I'm very excited to get that off the ground soon. Let me know if you would like to be a beta tester...

How I can help:

Intuitive life & business coaching

Channeling & light language

Akashic readings & more...

LiFree light language

Release of fear as it relates to power and visibility. Enter your name and email to download it now.